OMEXOM GA Energo has completed the construction of a new transformer station in Tábor-Náchod for EG.D to strengthen the distribution network in Tábor Region. The Tábor transformer station has been designed to improve and secure the supply of electricity in Tábor Region where, in addition to households, there are a number of large manufacturing companies. All of them will now have an even better and more secure supply of electricity during normal operation and in emergencies. “The existing substation in Tábor had been very busy, especially in the winter months, bringing the risk of power outages in worst-case scenarios and under the loading levels we are seeing today. We have actively prevented such problems by building a new substation. The substation in Tábor-Náchod thus relieved and distributed the load on the existing transformer station in Tábor. It also acts as a backup in case of the failure of one of the transformers, and has contributed to reducing the loading in the 22kV lines,” explained Tomáš Žáček, Head of High Voltage Line Construction at EG.D. “It is a 110/22kV transformer station of a traditional outdoor design, equipped with two 110/22kV transformers with an output of 25 MVA. The contract also included the construction of a new 110 kV feeder line with a total length of 2.4 km connecting the Tábor substation with the Chotoviny substation,” added Zdeněk Židek, CEO of OMEXOM GA Energo. Preparations for the construction of the substation began in 2014, and its implementation and commissioning lasted from the end of 2019 to the spring of 2021. The total costs exceeded CZK 140 million. Of this, approximately CZK 100 million was spent on the construction of the substation itself, another CZK 33 million on the construction of the 2.5-kilometre 110kV supply line, and approximately another CZK 7 million on the modification of the 22kV line and its connection to the new substation.