Our employees’ children were the main actors at this year’s Giving Tuesday, or Global Generosity Day. They were asked to send in painted pictures of where their parents work. One hundred and twenty pictures were collected, and for every picture sent OMEXOM GA Energo will donate CZK 1,000 to facilities that care for children. “We decided to take a slightly different approach this year, so we involved our employees’ children. Thanks to them, we will be donating a total of CZK 120,000 to be distributed among the Children’s Centre Plzeň, the Children’s Centre Chovánek, the Children’s Home Česká Lípa and the Children’s Home Trnová,” said Zdeněk Židek, the company CEO. Each facility will thus receive CZK 30,000, which will be used, for example, to buy a special wooden cot for disabled children; Children’s Centre Chovánek needs laptops for online education; Children’s Home Česká Lípa will buy children’s clothes and shoes; and Children’s Home Trnová will buy vitamins. OMEXOM GA Energo has been supporting children’s facilities for a long time. Last year, the Giving Tuesday collection raised more than CZK 230,000.