More than 200 white collar workers had the opportunity to meet on September 15, 2023 at a field meeting at the Samopše sports complex. In addition to the work program, employees enjoyed tourism, sports, history and entertainment. At the same time, it was an opportunity to celebrate 30 years of the company’s presence on the market.

The morning program was work for everyone. CEO Zdeněk Židek presented the company’s position on the market and its future direction to those present. Then the financial director Aleš Uldrych took the floor, who explained the economy and the economic situation. The morning part ended with a joint photo shoot and lunch.

After a good meal, it was time for sports and other activities. The paddlers were the first to set off on the route. Forty brave people were picked up by a bus and brought to the boarding point, where canoes were waiting for them, with which they set off down the Sázava River from Český Šternberk to the village of Ledečko. The next two activities started with a joint trip to the Ledečko railway station, from where we took a train to the destination station near the Český Šternberk castle. Here the groups split into tourists and history buffs.

The hikers set out on the route equipped with plastic bags and gloves to pick up trash along the way. At the same time, they fulfilled the environmental challenge that was announced within the VINCI company. During the tour, visitors to Český Šternberk Castle praised the eloquence and professionalism of the local guides and, according to the reviews, really enjoyed their program.

An on-field program was designed for physically fit employees. During the afternoon, they tried games like “flaming ball” (a very simplified version of baseball), “Ringo” (tossed around a volleyball court with two rings), “Kubb” (a game with wooden prisms) and simplified Frisbee. Not only was it necessary to have a good physique, but also to be a team player.

The company OMEXOM GA Energo is celebrating 30 years on the market this year, and as a thank-you gift for its employees, it has prepared a gift – a high-quality sports sweatshirt. At the joint exit meeting, there was an opportunity for everyone present in hoodies to take a picture together.